Find out how to make this DIY cornstalk wreath with just a few supplies.
A cornstalk wreath is perfect for fall and Thanksgiving
– adding a fun rustic look to your outdoor decorating.
Create this DIY fall wreath in an afternoon with these supplies.
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Cornstalk Wreath Supplies:
- 16″ Wire wreath frame
- Wire
- Wire cutters
- Garden trimmers
- Cornstalks
If you don’t have a garden with cornstalks, visit with some of the sellers at your local farmers market to see if they can save you some cornstalks.
Watch the Video:
Create Cornstalk Bundles:
Start by taking the wire and wrapping it around the inside wire of the wreath frame.
Make a bundle of cornstalk parts – I used both the leaves and the tassels from the top.
Cut each piece around 12-14″ long.
Make the bottom width of the bundle about the same as the width of the wreath frame.
Choose carefully – you don’t want leaves with mold or mildew on them.
Wrap the wire all the way around the cornstalk bundle and around all the wires of the wreath.
Keep the wire tight – this is important because the cornstalks will shrink some as they dry.
Keep wrapping until the bundle is secure on the wreath.
Keep Adding to Cornstalk Wreath:
Create another bundle of cornstalk parts similar to the first bundle.
Place it on the wreath a bit over from the first bundle.
You don’t want to get them too close together or the wreath will end up too full.
Place it and then look at it to see how it looks before wiring it down.
Use the same piece of wire to wire down the second bundle.
You will be using one continuous piece of wire for the whole wreath.
As you add cornstalk bundles to the wreath, angle most of them out – away from the center
but angle some of them in towards the center to give it a fuller look.
Continue adding cornstalk bundles to the wreath until you get back to where you started.
You want to make sure you have filled in enough bundles so you don’t have a gap in the wreath.
Tuck the last cornstalk bundle underneath the first bundle and wire it to the wreath.
Cut the wire off with about 6 inches extra.
Wrap the extra wire loosely around the wreath and slide the wire underneath the wrap – creating a knot.
Tuck the excess wire into the cornstalks.
Fluff the wreath to remove any gaps.
This cornstalk wreath looks great on this outside covered patio.
I love how it adds a little bit of a fall rustic look to the 3 season room.
Be sure to check out our other primitive craft tutorials.