Easily fix holes in a punch needle project!
Sometimes, punch needle projects end up with areas with no punching.

This could be caused by not punching rows close enough together,
or not punching each loop close enough to each other,
or sometimes the loops just don’t go all the way through.
But from the back side (or the working side) of the project,
it is hard to tell exactly where the problem lies.

Watch the Video:
Fix the Holes in a Punch Needle Project:
Here’s an easy method I have found that will help you identify the area that needs help.
Use some pins to mark the problem area from the front.

When you turn it over, you can see exactly where to punch.
If there are gaps in the punching where the pins are,
you can punch in the gaps.

Since there aren’t any obvious gaps in the back of this punching,
it is best to take out the punching in that area and re-punch it.
You can take the punching out by pulling the thread in the problem area
from the back side of the project.
Just pull out the bad spots – there is no need to re-punch the entire section!

That looks much better!