Our vintage camper is a 1986 Silver Edition Avion 30P.
The cabinets have been in need of a major overhaul for a while now.
They were scratched in many places
and the wood just looked dry.
This is how they looked after a good cleaning
with Murphy’s Oil Soap.
So, I knew it wasn’t just dirt
that was keeping them from looking their best.
The cabinets are solid wood, and I like the look of the real wood,
so I decided to restore them rather than paint them.
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I had previously used Howard’s Restor-a-Finish
on an antique country piece of furniture
and was pleased with the results.
So, I decided to use the product on the vintage camper cabinets also.
Here’s how I restored my vintage camper’s cabinets:
I used Howard’s Restor-a-Finish in Maple-Pine color.
I followed the manufacturer’s instructions.
It is a simple wipe on- wipe off process.
I was able to use a soft cloth to wipe on in most places,
but I did need to use the 0000 steel wool pad on a few scratches.
Then, I applied Howard’s Feed-N-Wax and buffed it off,
following the instructions on the bottle.
The cabinets looked immensely better even without the wax,
but I wanted to give them an extra dose of goodness
to keep them looking good for many more years!