If you purchase a paper or digital rug hooking pattern,
you will want to transfer rug hooking patterns to your foundation fabric
before you can start hooking.
This isn’t hard if you use some red dot transfer fabric.
Even the newer, thicker red dot will transfer rug hooking patterns.
You just have to use a good marker and press firmly.
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Supplies to Transfer Rug Hooking Pattern:
Watch the Video:
Transfer Paper Pattern to Red Dot:
I am using this sewing notions pattern.

Start by taping the paper pattern onto your table.
Layer the red dot fabric over the paper pattern.

Line up the red dots with the outer lines on the pattern
to make sure it is on there square.
Tape the red dot fabric to your table.

Use your pen to trace the pattern onto the red dot.
It is helpful to use a ruler for the straight lines.
Once you get it all traced onto the red dot, you can remove the tape.

Transfer Red Dot Pattern to Foundation Fabric:
Next, you will want to layer the red dot on top of your foundation fabric.
Be sure to pin them together or tape both down to the table.

I am using monks cloth with a 2″ grid,
so it is easy to line up the red dots with the grid
to make sure it is on there straight.

Use the sharpie marker to trace the pattern.
You have to press hard so the marker will go through the red dot
and onto the foundation fabric.

Using a ruler on the straight lines in this step is helpful also.
Before you remove your pins or tape,
lift a corner to make sure everything came through.
If the lines are faint,
you can retrace on the foundation cloth after removing the red dot.

After you finish tracing, remove all of the tape
and you are ready to start hooking!
You can also transfer rug hooking patterns with a light box!
Check out our free rug hooking heart pattern.
Pin this tutorial showing how to Transfer Rug Hooking Patterns!