The roof vents in our 1986 Avion camper still work great,
but they looked AWFUL!
They had water stains and mildew and who knows what else going on.

They either needed to be replaced or updated.
We decided to try updating –
we like to keep things close to original as we can when it is practical to do so.
Here’s how we did it:
Updating the Roof Vent Screens in our Vintage Camper
First, we took the screens off
and gave them a good scrubbing
with some mild dish soap and a soft brush.

After they were rinsed and thoroughly dried,
we started painting.
We used Rust-Oleum Painter’s Touch Multi Purpose Spray Paint in Ivory.
We chose this particular paint because it is made for plastics,
included the primer, and had a good color for our camper.

We gave the screens a couple of thin layers of paint.

The knobs also got several thin coats of spray paint.

After they had thoroughly dried, we re-installed the screens in the camper.

It made the camper look so fresh and clean
and it was a relatively easy fix to paint the camper vent screens!