Find out the results of my punch needle comparison
from punching with 6 strands of floss, 3 strands, and 2 sets of 3 strands threaded together.
I have been wondering if punches would look different
based on how many strands I punch at the same time.

Punching Comparison:
I normally punch with 3 strands of embroidery floss
so I wanted to try threading 2 sets of 3 strand floss
through a 6 strand needle at the same time.
Essentially, I was punching with a full skein of DMC floss,
that had the twist taken out because it had been separated in half.
I punched three different examples to examine the difference:

I set the Ultra Punch needle to a depth setting of #2.
First, I punched in my regular way with 3 strands of floss.
Next, I threaded 2 sets of 3 strands of floss through the needle
and punched a section.
Finally, I punched with an unseparated skein of 6 strands of DMC.
The Results:
I really couldn’t tell a whole lot of difference
between the three areas of punching.
The full-skein 6 strand floss punches look less fluffy,
probably because the strands of floss are still twisted together.
The other two punched areas look very similar.
However, it took substantially fewer punches to punch
with the double set of 3 strands
Punching with a 6 strand needle using 2 sets of 3 strands of floss
than it took to punch with the 3 strands.
would be a great way to speed up the punching of backgrounds and larger areas!