One of the things to figure out when beginning punching is how to go about punching the details in a design.
Should the details be punched first, last, or somewhere in between?
By details, I mean small things like single lines or dots.
For example, on this vintage truck pattern,
there are small lines on the tree for shadows.
The lines are punched in a darker color than the rest of the tree.
How to punch the details in a punch needle project:
Punch the details in an area of the pattern first.
Punch each line,
and clip the thread at the end of each section of line.
When you have finished all of the small lines,
cut off all the extra threads
so they are not in the way for punching the rest of the tree.
Next, outline the rest of the tree
and fill it in.
Here’s the front of the finished tree.
In the same way, you would punch the fender lines
on the truck before punching the body of the truck.
You can also use french knots or beads to add small details to a punch needle project.
You will find more about punching order in our Beginner’s Guide to Punch Needle.